Technologies For Worship‘s article about how FBT, and Texas Systems have revitalized Fellowship Church’s audio for worship.
“We knew we needed to fix our audio, so we contacted Jim Martin at Texas Systems Integration to configure the perfect solution for our facility… He was able to recommend FBT speakers to us based not only on the price of the speakers, but also the quality of the sound from the speakers as well.
Our new sound system consists of a single-hang Mitus 206LA line array in the center of the sanctuary and two Vertus CLA 604a columns in both of the side rooms. With the Mitus line array, Jim was able to angle the modules within the array to different areas of the sanctuary and use the built-in DSP to enable the sound to reach each different area of the room at the same time, without echoing or bouncing off the ceiling or walls. The two Vertus CLA 604a columns are also positioned properly on the walls in the side rooms, and zoned via DSP, to create a seamless, clear sound for all our congregants, regardless of where they are sitting.”